Saturday, 24 September 2011

What Is Google AdSense?

What Is Google AdSense?

The Google AdSense program was launched by Google in June, 2003 and since then it has become a very popular site in the various marketing forums of the internet as well as the main subject of discussion in a large number of books and reports. Its growing popularity is not the least surprising given the extensive coverage that it received in all the major newspapers and magazines as well as its contribution to the ever growing revenues of Google.

AdSense basically identifies the content of a particular website and displays advertisements related to that content. This helps in increasing the relevancy of the ads as well as providing the user with useful, related information without being too intrusive and annoying. AdSense automatically scans the content and shows all the snippets of relevant information in the form of ads.
A lot of money these days is being made with the help of AdSense. Small sites are also cashing in by discovering new creative ways and maximizing on the earned profits. It is very simple to make money with AdSense if one is willing to put in their efforts and devote their time on it. That’s all that it takes.
The following four factors that should be taken into consideration if you want to make money online using Google AdSense.

Content: The most important you should keep in mind is the content. Ad content is not only about providing you with various search results. Neither are they simply random collection of data from here and there. AdSense people are publishers. They display content which are beneficial to humans and not only to search engines.
Once the content on your page meets the approval of the people they will keep coming back, to look up the information that they need. The longer they stay on a particular page, Greater are the chances of them clicking on an ad.

Niche: The portion of the market that one should concentrate their efforts on also plays a very important role in determining your earnings. You should always target those niches where advertisers in large numbers are actively trying to seek more and more customers. If there are no advertisers, then the possibility of you making money is substantially reduced.
Go to and type in the related keywords. If a large number of advertisements are displayed on the “sponsored links” section which is on the right hand side of the page, it would be a good choice for monetization with AdSense.

Traffic: A very effective way of increasing your profits via AdSense is to increase the number of people who visit your site. As the number of people clicking on the site increases, the more money you make.If no one visits your site, you make no money.
One of the many ways of ensnaring people is to prepare a list that will reach everyone’s mail box. Everyone will read it and this gives a lot of visibility. Secondly the headline should be very attractive so that people are drawn towards it. Keep in mind that the content should match with the promise given by the headline otherwise people might find themselves to be cheated and go away with annoyance.

Optimization: Many publishers spend a lot of their time and energy in the web page optimization. That is a very wrong approach. Instead they should try their level best in diverting the traffic to their pages and putting up great, relevant information. Too much of emphasis should not be placed on web page optimization.
You should channel your concentration on a few basic things like merging the ads with the content by removing the borders and using colors which match with the web page content. The users are unable to differentiate between the ads and content and there are greater chances of them clicking on an ad.
There are no secrets of making money with AdSense. Simply master these techniques and skills and exploit the net to the maximum. It is a very effective way of making quick money. So what are you waiting for? Go give it a shot!


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